The days of early autumn bring signs of change to our lives and gift us with a foretaste of the feast to come.
The picture of a river displayed in the Sanctuary was designed by our Home School children. It flows from the altar and invites all people to be a part of us. A creation program for worship and Christian formation, cooler breezes and colorful landscapes are appearing right outside our windows. Come and see all the ways we embrace this beautiful season marked with prayers, feasting and special care for the poor and hungry. Enjoy this time of goodness.
We are sharing a prayer with you as a way to live out these autumn days.
Table Prayer for Autumn
We praise and bless you, O God, for autumn days,
And for the gifts of this table.
Grant us grace to share your goodness,
Until all people are fed by the harvest of the Earth,
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Ginger Hamrick and the Spirituality Team.