We need help driving for Shepherd’s Table as Ben is beginning his seminary studies in the fall and will not be able to continue. The driver must have a full drivers license and must bring it into the Church Office to have a copy made for the file.
Ben, currently, drives and loads but there is no need for anyone to go on their own unless they are happy doing that. The truck only has 2 seats. For safeguarding reasons the second person needs to be over 18 unless they are related to the driver. You can offer to help either as a driver or as a loader or as both. We do have relief drivers for emergencies. Tell us what you would like to do and how often you could do it.
Every week:
Tuesday Morning
Time varies based on what time we can make appointments. We try for an 8:30-10:00 am time frame. Helen makes appointments on the 1st of each month. Drive to 2nd harvest in Charlotte (500 Spratt St B, Charlotte, NC 28206) to get shelf stable food and occasional meat. Must be trained by 2nd harvest to shop. Able to lift 40-50lbs is recommended or take a 2nd person. Unload truck at church with help. There is training to shop at Second Harvest.
Wednesday 11:30am-1pm
Pick up food distribution from Washington outreach ministry in Waco (2015 Capernium Rd, Cherryville, NC). Ability to lift 40 lbs is recommended. Stack food boxes on pallets to be wrapped and loaded on the truck by forklift. Unload boxes by hand upon return to Redeemer with help. A second volunteer is helpful but can be done solo.
Every other week:
Friday 11:30am-1pm: pick up food distribution from Washington outreach ministry in Waco. Ability to lift 40 lbs is recommended. Stack food boxes on pallets to be wrapped and loaded on the truck by forklift. Unload boxes by hand upon return to Redeemer with help. A second volunteer is helpful but can be done solo.
If you think you can help please get in touch
Thank you.