On Suday June 4th we are starting a new Formation Class. If I call it a "Confirmation Class" you are going to give up reading - so let's call it a "Just Because...." class.
You join this class just because, Just because you enjoy formation, just because you have not done a Christian Basics course for a while, just because you want to find out more about the Episcopal Church, just because you want to join, just because you wandered off there for a while and now you are back. What is your "just because"?
If you are interested in the official bit there are three versions:
Confirmation This is for people who have been baptized ( in any Christian Church) but have not been confirmed. (If you have not been baptized that will be done at the same service).
Reception This is for people who were confirmed in a non-Episcopal Church. Most likely you will be from a Methodist, Lutheran or Roman Catholic background - there are others, these are the most common in this area.
Reaffirmation We all constantly renew our vows as we restate them year by year. Reaffirmation is really intended for those who have been away from the Episcopal Church but have already been confirmed or received and want to come back. This might be suitable for you, if you are unsure please have a conversation with the Rector.
Q and A
I am not sure whether I want to join the Church, can I just come along?
Totally, no pressure will be put on you to join.
I am already confirmed and attend most weeks, will I get anything out of it?
Yes, more than that you will bring your wisdom and experience to the room.
When is the confirmation service?
We are not 100% sure at the moment. The Bishop is on Sabbatical for several months this year and that has thrown off scheduling.
I have lost my Baptism Certificate, does it matter?
At the end of the day, no - but please try to find it. There is an exception to the rule of needing it if the Church where you were baptised no longer exists or did not keep records. If the church is still there and has records you will need to get a copy of the certificate. Please don't leave this until the last minute.
What happens at a Confirmation Service?
You can read through the service here
How old do I have to be?
There is no absolute youngest age but we want you to be able to understand enough to be in the classes. There is no upper age limit.
If you are all ready to sign up the form is here