A Bold Aim
We are trying to collect 1,000 cans of vegetables or beans by Thanksgiving. The good news is that we are nearly at 400 on the Canometer.
Help us make our target. We have two weeks!
Food Drop is at 502 W. Sumter Street, Shelby, 28150. Follow the sign to "Parking" and you will see the Parish Hall. Drop off days are Tuesday morning and Wednesday. Please knock loudly on the door or you can just drop your cans outside.
About our food ministry
Shepherd's Table has been around for a little over 10 years. Each Wednesday we give out a hot lunch at 11:30 and boxes of food from 4:00pm. We serve several hundred people each week.
Our food comes from Second Harvest and other community sources including the Foothills Farmers Market. We try to put produce in every box but with unprecedented demand we are struggling and have to use canned goods. We are running low. 1,000 cans will give us about a month's supply, perhaps a little more.
You can find out more here as we explain who we serve and how we want to expand our ministry in order to make a long term difference.