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The church garden is looking yummy, with lots of nice fresh veggies growing away.

Interested in space for Fall Planting - contact us

If you have vegetables planted would you please harvest if you want them. If you are not bothered or unable to harvest they will go to the Food Pantry - we really hate to see things go to waste.


Each year Gardner Webb University has an event to introduce students to campus and off-campus organizations. We have been participating for several years under the leadership of Rev. Dcn. Pam

Bright. This year was no exception and the team showed up on August 16th with leaflets and prayer squares in hand.

Interested in this ministry for next year? Contact Deacon Pam.


Here are a few pictures from the Towel Ministry work day on 12th August. If you want to know more about towel ministry please contact Frank or Judy Thanks to everyone who works so hard to help.

What is Towel Ministry?

Leading with the “towel” is enabling people to make decisions and to pursue their God given dreams, and celebrating their accomplishments. Leading with the “towel” means serving those I lead not so that they will serve me, but so that they will serve others.

Towel Ministry evolved and began over 30 years ago by Deacon Cris Greer and Fr Gene McDowell as a response to the need in communities for housing improvements, repairs and maintenance for elderly or disabled folks.

Upcoming Projects

Towel Ministry will be working on projects at 8am-12pm the following dates

September 9th

October 7th

Project locations will be announced


Sunday Worship

9:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite 2

followed by Coffee 


11:00 am Adult Christian Formation, Parish Hall

9:00 am Tuesday Morning Prayer, Chapel


12:30 pm Wednesday,

Holy Eucharist Rite 2 in the Chapel.

8:00pm  Thursday Compline, online

502 W. Sumter St.

Shelby, NC 28150

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