A great time was had by all at Shelby's first Pride Festival. Redeemer had plenty of volunteers who came along to help with our booth. We had plenty of cookies, coffee and water which were gratefull received. We decided to give things away without charge.

We also had some information about the Church. Most important were the conversations which happened. Redeemer is known amongst those who have been in Shelby for a while for our inclusion but there are those who do not know who we are or what we believe. It is a surprise to them that there is a Church which does not discriminate based on gender identity or sexuality.

It was good to be a part of an event outside the Church walls - now we have found our feet, perhaps there is another event you would like to suggest we attend (and come along and help at!!)
There were some protestors but they were not enough to blunt the success of a great day. Shelby PD were very responsive - thanks to them!
We gave out some booklets about our beliefs around LGBTQIA+ if you would like to take a look this is the link