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Each year on the closest Sunday to October 4th we hold a Blessing of the Animals in our Church garden. We choose the day closest to October 4th because that day is St. Francis' day. St Francis of Assisi is often remembered for his love of animals.

When we bless our animals we are also praying for their human families as well. All sorts of animals show up with their owners, cats and dogs, gerbils, fish, spiders and snakes. Sometimes folk bring pictures of their pets, either because they are too hard to transport or because the whole thing will scare them. We can pray for them as well.

Whether or not you have pets please join us on October 2nd at 5pm. The Pet Blessing is very short and gives you plenty of time to hang out with other animals lovers. Just one thing; please make sure your pet is secure. That means put dogs on a leash and crate cats and other animals which might disappear into the cemetery.


When I am talking with my kids I know I have got it right when one of them says “truth” to a statement I make. They simply mean that they agree, that it resonates with them. It does not have to be a scientifically proven fact, it is just something which they can stand behind.

One translation of the word Amen is “truth”. We say it when we hear something which we feel we agree with, which we can feel ourselves to be a part of, which we are invested in. It is an energetic statement, joining in with what has been said. Totally, absolutely, definitely, yes!

When there is an Amen at the end of a prayer in Church it is there on purpose. It is an invitation for you to say, “Yes, I am on board with this”. Jesus gave us the Eucharist? Yes! God blesses us? Yes! Amen! Amen!

Sometimes we do not want to say Amen at the end of something - that is fine. Other times, though, we just kind of forget about it, and that is missing a chance to affirm something wonderful and life giving.

I once had a colleague who said that if the people did not say Amen at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer or after the Blessing it wouldn’t work. I prefer to think God is a bit bigger than that. Of course God always does God’s stuff. When we respond enthusiastically with a loud “Amen” we are throwing ourselves right into the middle of all that grace and blessing instead of tentatively dipping a toe in the edge, or even wandering off in the opposite direction.


Today has been a historic day. The passing of Queen Elizabeth III marks the end of an era. Seventy years on the throne made her the longest reigning monarch in British History.

As someone from England this has a personal resonance but looking at social media and the American news channels I realize that there is a huge amount of sadness both in this country and around the globe.

The Episcopal Church has close links with the Church of England, which is our mother church. Of course, during the War of Independence, official links with the Monarch were severed. Eventually, however, the Churches which came from the Church of England have come together as a family, the Anglican Communion.

In England the Monarch is, officially, the head of the Church. This is mostly ceremonial but Queen Elizabeth always took a keen interest in the affairs of the Church and took this role seriously. She was, by all accounts, a woman of great faith.

Whatever our views on forms of government and monarchy we cannot but mourn the passing of a woman who was so faithful to her task. She had never been expected to be Queen but with the abdication of her uncle, Edward and then the untimely death of her father she was propelled into the role at an early age.

For seventy years she fulfilled her duties. In an age where celebrity rarely comes without scandal she sat apart from the rough and tumble of the media world.

For me, she is a symbol of someone who undertook a responsibility and charge, no matter the cost. She was a person of integrity and faith. I am sure if we had had a conversation we would have found many points of disagreement, but that is not the point. Perhaps something we can all learn from her is that we do not need to get embroiled in factions and arguing. We do not need to plaster our opinion all over the place, simply to have our say.

As a priest ordained in the Church of England (and a British Citizen), I had to swear and oath of allegiance to the Queen. There is a caveat added “according to law” - this,of course, is open to interpretation. Looking back, despite my reservations about this system, I think I trusted that it was OK to be loyal to the Queen. Years later, and perhaps a little romantically, I reflect that, perhaps, this was because she was so loyal. Loyal to the country and way beyond and loyal to me as a citizen of the United Kingdom.

You will all have different memories and reactions. To celebrate a life we do not have to agree with values and motives. To learn from someone else we do not have to take on their opinions. As human beings we are so much bigger than the trenches we tend to dig for ourselves.

One of the things British Prime Ministers have commented on is her wisdom as they met with her week by week. Wisdom goes beyond creed and politics. Wisdom is a divine gift and one which is common to all humanity. Perhaps in our fractured and hurting country, and our divided world, we might do well to slow down enough to notice loyalty and to find wisdom.

Rest eternal grant to Elizabeth, your servant, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.


Sunday Worship

9:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite 2

followed by Coffee 


11:00 am Adult Christian Formation, Parish Hall

9:00 am Tuesday Morning Prayer, Chapel


12:30 pm Wednesday,

Holy Eucharist Rite 2 in the Chapel.

8:00pm  Thursday Compline, online

502 W. Sumter St.

Shelby, NC 28150

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