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Please join us for Ash Wednesday worship on February 22, 2023. We will offer two opportunities for worship at noon and at 7:00 pm. We are planning to offer worship in the Sanctuary and virtually on Facebook and YouTube.Worship will be at noon in the sanctuary and virtually on Facebook and YouTube. Our first Lenten Lunchtime Worship service will occur on Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday), and the final Lenten Lunchtime Worship service will meet April 5. For this ecumenical gathering, we welcome pastors and special musicians from congregations in our community and region.

February 22: Rev. Carrie Carpenter (Aldersgate UMC)

March 1: Rev. Caroline Kramer (Episcopal Church of the Redeemer)

March 8: Rev. Carol Ann Hoard (Shelby Presbyterian)

March 15: Rev. David Christy (District Superintendent--Catawba Valley UMC)

March 22: Rev. Betty Brown (St. Paul & Galilee UMCs)

March 29: Bishop Carolyn Briggs (Living Waters Christian Ministries)

April 5: Rev. Kris Kramer (Ascension Lutheran)

We will provide a "light lunch" (sandwich, side item, drink, and dessert) immediately following worship in the Epworth Gym. The cost is $7.00 per person. If you are on a tight schedule, please feel free to go to the front of the line.


Fusion begins on Sunday 15th January at 11:00am .

Fusion is a new sort of Church where families and friends can come together and stay together and everyone can learn from each others they explore stories of faith. Four different activities for all ages. Conversation, crafts, food, art, song.

No need to sign up just come along. 11am on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Fusion is for everyone - not just members of the Church. Variety brings wisdom whether you are convinced about Christianity or not sure about anything - you are welcome. We are an LGBTQ safe space.

We will meet in the Parish Hall (directions)

We hope to see you there.

From the Street follow "Parking" Sign. You will see a big door with the word "Welcome" over it - this is where you come in. If the lot is full you can park on the other side of the Church or in the lot across the street - sorry we are a bit short on parking!


Jan 6th - The Feast of the Epiphany

The Wise Men have finally made it to Bethlehem! In Church our crib has been waiting for them to join the scene as they con

clude their long journey. 6th January is the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany means something similar to “revealing” and on this day we witness Christ’s revealing to those travellers from far, far away.

It is easy to forget just how hard it must have been f

or the Magi (Wise Men) to complete the journey to Jesus. They probably came from over 1,000 miles away - the sheer distance is amazing without modern transport. They are, almost certainly, neither Jews nor Roman citizens. They truly come from an alien place. Yet they are drawn to Jesus.

One of the things which

Jesus did was to open the pathway to God to people who had long been considered alien, therefore, unworthy of relationship with God. Despite their obvious resources, the Magi were second class citizens as they entered Judea, at least according to Jewish custom.

Unfortunately the church sometimes makes people feel like second class citizens, even when we try really hard not to. Some people feel like they would not be welcome at Church and we need to make sure they know they will be. This is a risk - if you truly invite everyone you never know who will show up - and they might have screaming kids, or have no access to a shower, or talk to themselves.

The challenge of the Magi is not just to get us to turn to Jesus, to adore and give of our riches. They also challenge us to ponder that they are strangers on a journey, and totally welcomed and accepted by Jesus.



Sunday Worship

9:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite 2

followed by Coffee 


11:00 am Adult Christian Formation, Parish Hall

9:00 am Tuesday Morning Prayer, Chapel


12:30 pm Wednesday,

Holy Eucharist Rite 2 in the Chapel.

8:00pm  Thursday Compline, online

502 W. Sumter St.

Shelby, NC 28150

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